Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Christians Pride, The Christians Problem.

I will start off with a controversial issue in the life of in my experience a lot of Christians. I have realized that a lot of them. The issue of “hate the sin but love the sinner". God dosent want us to treat other people different because of their sin. We to have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. It is by Gods glory and love that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. So why do some Christians have a problem talking with other certain types of sinners? Let’s take homosexuals for example, I have heard stories of pastors and preachers talking about how they won’t talk to, relate with or come near a homosexual person. He told a story of a time he went to a restraint and a homosexual man was at the counter “I won’t let a homosexual man make my sandwich” is what he said. The bible says that homosexuality is a sin, and I believe that its written multiple times in the bible one example is (Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is an abomination). “MY” belief. But if I meet a man or woman that is homosexual will I be compelled to treat them any different than anyone else? NO, it might make you a little uncomfortable, but why would I treat them differently than anyone else, what gives me that right?

     Having this attitude towards homosexuals, drug users and/or criminals is not only a lack of love, but also shows how proud you have become. We are proud in thinking we are forgiven our sins, and live better and “holier” lives that these people. This attitude draws God away from us rather than near us. God loves everyone and treated you know different. Just because you think that since you read your bible every day, pray, teach in the Church does not mean you have the right to judge other people whom you deem “less holy than you” or as "horrible" sinners remember you were once a "horrible" sinner to, no way of getting around that fact I dont care who you are, and you still do sin.  Also remember that you did not save yourself or change your own heart but it was God, and if this is your attitude towards sinners you need to pray for more change.Some of you might say (What if the person has a history of violence or rape) I am not saying that you should not be cautious around these people if they have a history of violence, rape or inappropriate behavior. (In that case be cautious where you are, how many people are present, not to go anywhere alone and keep the conversation wholesome and appropriate.) If you are a young lady and the person does has a committed a violent crime or rape and are trying to talk to you than yes you should be VERY cautious and avoid being along at all costs “but be respectful.”)  So some of you may be saying, “well I don’t want these people to influence me or my children so why would I risk talking with them.” well then first of all just like before be careful where you talk and make sure there are plenty of people, but just because you talk with someone that has a sinful history doesn't mean you will become like them. And if they do then your problem isn't the person it’s you. The bible wants us to "be in the world but not part of it", in other words you live in this world and pursue (education, status, jobs, friend relationships, etc) BUT never become a part of it in the sense that you do what everyone else is doing, which will not be what God wants you to do. Don’t go to the inappropriate movies or watch the inappropriate shows with friend or that friends are watching , or go to bars/clubs other friends go to. But rather politely turn them down by saying something like “Due to religious convictions I am afraid I am unable to join you. I am sorry but I just don’t feel like this is something I should do.” ORRRRR you could say something like “PFFFFFT You guys going to go see/go there, you disgust me, you see I am a Christian and I can’t do that because its evil and you will go to hell for it”….. Do you see the difference in the way someone will response to those statements. Christians have lost respect, humility and tact, when dealing with these things and in turn have caused the world to see Christians as “self-righteous, arrogant, rude, tactless and jerks”. But the God says in the bible that we are acting SO differently than we do and that we need to change our hearts and remove this pride before God stops communing with us because of our self-pride.  If you want to develop a closer relationship with God and have your beliefs better accepted by man so you can make a greater impact in their lives for God, then pray to go for help in this issue and for you pride fullness, lack of love and for him to humble, and change your heart. Ezekiel 36:26 A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh.

Feel free to comment if you agree/disagree or if you would like to add something or recommend a new topic. 

Jude:1 25-26
Now unto him who is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen.

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